Вакансія Full Stack Software Engineer

Компанія: Luxoft
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 11 лип. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії

Project Description:

A collaborative project with Switzerland company. Development of banking product which contains sales and execution deals functionality, support for the clients, digital platform etc. The team will work on of the areas of product and focused on development for the mobile platform.


  • Software development based on high-level requirements: estimating, developing, code review, unit testing
  • Develop system from scratch
  • Perform root cause analysis of issues to assist in determining the source of problems
  • Utilise JIRA to effectively categorize and track issues raised during the testing cycle


  • Demonstrated competency in software engineering in the field of web applications.
  • Extensive experience in the development using Java/JEE and JavaScript.
  • Knowledge of Hibernate and JBoss application server.
  • Solid understanding of relational databases (including SQL)
  • Experience with micros services is a benefit
  • Proficiency in English
  • Excellent analytical skills and systematic approach to problem-solving
  • Strong communication skills
  • Team oriented, willing to contribute and help out other team members in order to successfully achieve challenging team goals
  • Ability to work independently in a rapidly changing environment
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+ Супровідний лист
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
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