Вакансия Національний/-а Керівник/-ця з Ментального Здоров'я та Психологічної Підтримки / (National MHPSS Officer) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні

Тип объявления: прямой работодатель
Город: Полтава, Полтавська область
Категория: Медицина / фармацевтика;Секретари / Офис менеджеры
Занятость: полная
График работы: полный рабочий день
Размещена: 31 окт. 2023
Требования к соискателю
Образование: высшее
Опыт работы: от 3 лет
Возраст: возраст не имеет значения
Пол: Не має значення
Водительские права: Не має значення
Иностранные языки: Англійська - Середній
Описание вакансии

Open to Internal and External Candidates

 Position Title: National MHPSS Officer

Duty Station: Poltava, Ukraine

Classification: National Officer, NO-A

Type of Appointment: Special Short-Term, Six months with the possibility of extension

Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible

Closing Date: 06 July 2023 

Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

IOM is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. Internal and external candidates are eligible to apply to this vacancy. For the purpose of the vacancy, internal candidates are considered as first-tier candidates.


Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission, and the Psychosocial Programme Manager and the direct supervision of the MHPSS Programme Officer, the successful candidate will contribute to the implementation of IOM’s Mental Health and Psychosocial Programme activities in different regions across Ukraine.

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  1. Ensure that MHPSS programming is  implemented in line with IOM’s strategic and operational planning in Ukraine.
  2. Ensure compliance with IOM and donor requirements, including those related to procurement, budget utilization, and human resources, maintaining close contact with relevant IOM Ukraine support units.
  3. Technical support of mental health and psychosocial teams in the oblasts and cities under their responsibility, ensuring timely and effective execution of project’s activities and operational plans, as well as efficient, transparent and accountable use of allocated funding.
  4. Promote partnership, capacity building and strengthening of civil societies organizations, including local NGOs, associations, providing training, coaching and networking.
  5. Participate in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support meetings, working groups and other meetings with relevant stakeholders.
  6. Supervision of psychosocial mobile team (PMT) leaders to ensure technical and operational oversight of IOM MHPSS community-based programme’s activities in the geographically covered area.
  7. Participate in needs assessments, support researches,  suggest measures to promote psychosocial wellbeing at local and national level, design operational plans to enhance access to psychosocial services.
  8. Provide training sessions to IOM staff, partner organizations and local government partners on various MHPSS subjects.
  9. Support the MHPSS programme management with cultural adaptation of standard programming, including input to the relevance of activities for local context, revision of translated materials for accuracy and providing translation in high level official meetings.
  10. Assist the MHPSS Programme management and other relevant colleagues/units to prepare project proposals, narrative and progress reports, cost modifications, and public information material, as required by project donor(s) and/or IOM.
  11. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Required Qualifications and Experience


  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in clinical, counselling, social or educational psychology, counselling, anthropology, mental health, humanities or social sciences with at least two years of professional experience; OR
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in general, clinical, counselling, social or educational psychology, counselling, anthropology, mental health, humanities or social sciences


  • Previous experience working on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) programmes (required), with leadership roles (desirable).
  • Strong command and ability to fluently communicate about technical MHPSS subjects formally in Ukrainian, Russian and English (required)
  • Experience in community-based team supervision, monitoring and evaluation (required)
  • Previous experience working with beneficiaries data management, reporting on project activities while respecting data protection and management guidelines (required)
  • Experience working in accordance with the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) Skills in representation, liaison with different government authorities at local level
  • Leadership and Team management skills
  • Communication skills with a wide range of people, including people of culturally diverse backgrounds.


Fluency in English and Ukrainian is required. Russian is desirable.

The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:


  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
  • Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications sending Personal History Form to [email protected]  by 06 July 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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