Вакансия Старший/-а Асистент/ка Проєкту/ (Senior Project Assistant (WASH)) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні

Тип объявления: прямой работодатель
Город: Одеса, Одеська область
Категория: Секретари / Офис менеджеры
Занятость: полная
График работы: полный рабочий день
Размещена: 31 окт. 2023
Требования к соискателю
Образование: высшее
Опыт работы: от 5 лет
Возраст: возраст не имеет значения
Пол: Не має значення
Водительские права: Не має значення
Иностранные языки: Англійська - Середній
Описание вакансии

Classification: General Service Staff, Grade G7

Type of Appointment: Fixed Term, One Year with the possibility of extension

Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible

Closing Date: 26 June 2023 


Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission and the Programme Manager (WASH), the direct supervision of Project Officer (WASH) and in close coordination with the Area Coordinators and other technical programme specialists, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing high-level WASH-related assistance to municipalities, collective centres, water utilities, national authorities, and any other organization dealing with IOM on its mandate to support IDPs.  

 Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  1. Independently lead and coordinate the implementation of the project; monitor implementation of the activities to ensure work is proceeding according to established plans; analyse implementation difficulties and make recommendations for adjusting implementation modalities and work plans to best reflect changing environment on the field.
  2. Regularly research, follow-up, compile, analyse and present information/data on national, regional and international developments, reports, legislation and other relevant documentation, highlighting noteworthy issues for the consideration of appropriate parties.
  3. Monitor budget expenditures; verify availability of funds and maintain a proper record of approved project budgets and their revisions.
  4. Coordinate and monitor the financial, administrative and technical aspects of the project in line with IOM policies and donor requirements.
  5. Plan, coordinate and conduct capacity building workshops for relevant internal and external parties.
  6. Participate in meetings and conferences; maintain effective liaison and coordination with local authorities, partners, United Nation agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders relevant to the project.
  7. Coordinate the preparation of correspondence, briefing notes, presentations, narrative and financial reports; ensure status reports are prepared and submitted in a timely manner.
  8. Identify and document good practices and lessons learned; contribute to the development of Standard Operations Procedures (SOP), policies and concept papers and support the development of new projects.
  9. Supervise and provide guidance and training to reporting staff.
  10. Conduct field visits to assess and document damages and repair needs on collective centres, water utilities, energy facilities, hospitals or health facilities, private structures as well as communal infrastructure, amongst others.
  11. Participate in technical assessment of the sites and premises planned for rehabilitation works in terms of efficiency, inclusivity and relevance to the project criteria.
  12. Develop Bills of Quantity and Bills of Materials, draft other necessary engineering documentation based on national legislation and IOM standards.
  13. Provide technical support to the procurement unit, by reviewing or preparing Bill of Quantity (BoQs) and other construction-related procurement documents, performing bid analysis and technical evaluation of the bids to assure transparent and fair tendering process.
  14. Plan and organize adequate oversight and site inspection towards to ensure that quality assurance activities are maintained permanently.
  15. Regularly monitor the rehabilitation works maintained by the contractors to ensure that works are executed in an effective and efficient manner, by complying with all technical requirements of IOM and Government authorities.
  16. Monitor contractor’s compliance with the technical requirements of the contract and schedule compliance by regular review of deliverables and recommendations to the project team on appropriate corrective actions, when necessary.
  17. Participate in coordination of WASH related meetings with external stakeholders (governmental, other aid actors, affected population), cluster technical working groups as instructed by Programme Manager and Program Officer.
  18. Provide assistance to the project team in writing regular reports as required, by collecting, analysing and summarizing information on various aspects of the project including financial, technical and schedule compliance.
  19. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Required Qualifications and Experience


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, architecture, public health, other technical disciplines relative to the fields of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, from an accredited academic institution with five years of relevant professional experience.
  • Certification of licensed professional engineer will be an advantage.


  • Experience in the field of construction engineering and contract management;
  • Experience in design, planning and implementation of civil design construction and WASH projects.
  • Experience working with a non-governmental organization and/or international organization is an advantage.
  • Excellent knowledge of structural analysis and operating adequate software. Also using of design software such as AutoCAD and planning software such as MS Project.
  • Knowledge of applicable codes, policies, standards and best practices related to project.
  • Good command of Geographical Information Software, such as ArqGIS, QGIS or equivalent will be considered a plus.


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 26 June 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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