Вакансия Оббивальник меблів

45000 ₴
Тип объявления: агенство
Компания: World of Seamen Group
Город: за кордоном
Категория: Другие рабочие профессии
Занятость: постоянная
График работы: полный рабочий день
Размещена: 31 окт. 2023
Требования к соискателю
Образование: любое образование
Опыт работы: от 1 года
Возраст: возраст не имеет значения
Пол: Не має значення
Водительские права: Не має значення
Иностранные языки: Англійська - Досконало
Описание вакансии

Department Housekeeping - Hotel

Accommodation - Shared

Contract duration - 7 months


To ensure the maintenance and conservation of the vessel’s upholstery, carpets, wallpapers, and other related elements.

  • Ability to read, speak fluently in English.
  • Aptitude for basic mathematics in calculating proportions, ratios, and measurements.
  • Knowledge of materials, and the tools involved in construction or repair.
  • Good knowledge in sewing, carpeting, wallpapering, textiles, and other related topics.
  • Excellent attention to detail, practical and problem-solving skills.
  • Relevant knowledge in carpentry.
  • Ability to perform finishing upholstery with acceptable quality standards while producing the least possible waste of material.
  • Minimum of 1 year professional experience as a skilled tailor/upholsterer
  • Flexibility and open-mindedness to be able to work in a multicultural environment.
  • National Seaman's Book
  • Basic Safety Training Certificate including Swimming & Rowing
  • Security Awareness Training for all seafarers
  • Training of Passenger Ship Personnel
  • Medical certificate including Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Test
  • Vaccination certificates (Covid-19, Yellow fever, MMR-V)
  • Responsible for the maintenance and repairs of furniture of guests and crew accommodations, not limited to public areas, bars, theatre, lounges, restaurants, bars, and all other venues throughout the ship.
  • Responsible for upholstery equipment, inventory, and consumables.
  • Assists guests with repairing broken luggage, bags, shoes etc as required by the Guest Services Manager.
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+ Сопроводительное письмо
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
О работодателе
The World of Seamen Group LLC has been operating on the maritime personnel recruitment market since 2011. Our agency is the official agent of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A., Geneva and the MS ... читать подробнее
ООО ЛОРИ Украина, Полтава
Старокостянтинівська меблева фабрика Украина, Староконстантинов
Интернет-магазин «Grown» Київ
ВТФ "ВЕЛАМ" Миколаїв