Вакансия Оператор Call центра на дому( вечерняя смена на английском)

14000 ₴
Тип объявления: работа
Компания: Браво Групп
Город: Киев
Категория: Страхование
Занятость: На дому
График работы: Удаленная работа
Размещена: 3 дек. 2020
Требования к соискателю
Образование: Не имеет значения
Опыт работы: Не имеет значения
Возраст: Не имеет значения
Пол: Не имеет значения
Водительские права: Не имеет значения
Иностранные языки: Английский - В совершенстве
Описание вакансии

Remote job for candidates with good spoken English!
Our life insurance company is one of the biggest brokers in Canada. We have been present in the market for over 9 years now. The company serves more than 250,000 clients each year. The head office is located in Toronto, though we work throughout Canada.
When people start thinking about insuring their lives, they go online and search for the necessary information. Eventually they find one of our websites and send us a request to call them back and provide more details. Within the next 30 seconds their cell phone rings. This is one of our operators calling, and we are now looking for potential candidates to take up such a position.
The mission of a call center operator is to fill in detailed customer profiles and to arrange appointments with one of our representatives at the clients’ location, notwithstanding the city.
You are going to work according to Canada time zones. Call center operators work in 8-hour shifts, so the later your shift starts, the later it will be over. The shifts are assigned individually to each employee. In certain cases the operators are given a day off during the week so that they could work on Saturday or Sunday.
This is a remote job. We are going to provide you with all the necessary software. The hardware is provided upon request. You should undergo obligatory training (2-hour sessions four times a week). At the end of the first month, you are going to be paid for the training hours as well. This is why your first monthly salary will be slightly higher.
We are ready to discuss shift preferences and look for the most suitable options.

500$ salary plus bonuses

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