Вакансия Frontend (React) Developer

Тип объявления: прямой работодатель
Компания: Scalors
Город: Київ, Київська область
Улица места работы: вул. М. Пимоненка 13
Категория: IT компьютеры, Интернет
Занятость: полная
График работы: полный рабочий день
Размещена: 10 сент. 2019
Требования к соискателю
Образование: любое образование
Опыт работы: от 1 года
Возраст: возраст не имеет значения
Пол: Не має значення
Водительские права: Не має значення
Иностранные языки: Англійська - Середній
Описание вакансии
Client details: 

Our client is building a worldwide social entertainment platform with a big focus on the North American market. The platform is highly scalable using a strong backend based on Kafka, ELK, Redis, Cassandra, InfluxDB, Docker or K8s in order to serve 150 million customers in USA alone. 

Technical challenges involve a React frontend which is fully available on desktop, mobile web and native as well as different platform features and user journeys depending on a country-by-country but also a state-by-state basis in the USA. 

This is an exciting early opportunity to join a fast-growing team with various career opportunities over time.


  • Experience with React 16, Redux, Reselect, i18next, React Router, Material UI, JSS;
  • Experience with SPA for mobile and desktop;
  • Experience in collaborating with remote product management teams;
  • Experience in building customer-facing consumer web and mobile applications;
  • Fit to the values and shape the culture within the entire organization;
  • Very good English skills in speaking and writing;
  • Strong experience in mobile web;
  • B2C experience;
  • Good knowledge of UX and not just code.

Would be a plus:
  • Experience in gaming indutry;
  • Passionate about e-sport and/or sport;
  • Hands-on experience with smart contract development with Solidity;
  • German language a plus;
  • UI experience (sketch, etc)
  • Experience in React Native;

  • Write well designed, testable, and scalable code in a timely manner;
  • Take part of the development cycle and ensure a smooth development and cooperation between the dev team and product owners, from sprint planning to set up automated testing to release cycles.

What we offer:
  • Building an exciting innovative player-facing gaming product;
  • Office location close to Lukianivska metro station;
  • Direct communication with a client;
  • Competitive salary, fixed in EUR;
  • Medical insurance after the trial period;
  • English speaking club;
  • Daily lunches, fruits, sweets;
  • Regular “Get together parties” at the end of each month;
  • Sports room.
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+ Сопроводительное письмо
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