Вакансия Front-end / Software Developer

Тип объявления: работа
Компания: WhaleLend
Город: Киев
Категория: Информационные технологии;Программирование
Занятость: Полная
График работы: Полный день
Размещена: 4 окт. 2018
Требования к соискателю
Образование: Любое образование
Опыт работы: Не имеет значения
Возраст: Не имеет значения
Пол: Не имеет значения
Водительские права: Нет
Иностранные языки: Английский - В совершенстве
Описание вакансии

Are you a crypto full-stack or front-end whale?


At WhaleLend we are building a family of programmatic investment products specifically tailored for crypto currencies. As a VC-backed tech startup seeking to connect the traditional and new financial sectors, us founders (a seasoned financial sector CTO and a corporate turned serial-entrepreneur) are always on the lookout for top-tier talents! We’re looking for motivated devs that enjoy working in a fast paced and dynamic environment where every day is different. You can work at pace and take a pragmatic and practical approach to work. You are also able to work on your own or as part of a team.


What we offer:


• Competitive compensation (up to EUR 4k/month and 1% equity - commensurate with experience)

• Front-seat view to the cryptocurrency industry

• Exposure to all major product lines within the company

• Depending on the candidate’s skill level, part-time arrangement can be considered


What you’ll work on:


• Create, own, and iterate user-facing product features that shape the future crypto investment

• Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server side logic

• Develop new UI components that encourage users to make intelligent crypto investment decisions

• Improve UX for our users to have better insight into their own earnings across token types and exchanges

• Collaborate with a fun, passionate team to help craft elegant solutions to problems using the latest tech


What we expect from you:


• Knowledge of React + Redux or a similar SPA framework (e.g. Angular)

• Strong JavaScript, TypeScript / ES experience

• Knowledge of Bootstrap or a similar layout framework

• Experience in C#, .net Core 2.x


Skills considered a plus:


• Full-stack experience or a willingness to learn

• Cloud serverless computing e.g. Azure or AWS

• OAuth2, OpenId connect, JWT

• Knowledge of a charting library eg Victory, d3


• Modern UI, Google fonts

• Static website builder e.g. Jekyll

• Knowledge of cryptocurrencies and/or traditional financial markets

• Experiences working with Bitcoin and Ethereum (or other) cryptocurrency nodes

If you’re interested, please apply through Whalelend website.

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