Вакансия Marketing Manager for Global markets (Dental implants)

Тип объявления: работа
Компания: TRATE Sp. z o o
Город: Киев
Категория: Маркетинг
Занятость: Полная
График работы: Полный день
Размещена: 6 сент. 2018
Требования к соискателю
Образование: Высшее
Опыт работы: От 3х до 6 лет
Возраст: Не имеет значения
Пол: Не имеет значения
Водительские права: Нет
Иностранные языки: Английский - В совершенстве
Описание вакансии

TRATE Sp. z o.o - branch of TRATE AG - fast growing international business in the field of innovative implant-based dental restoration. TRATE offers you a great place to work by giving you the opportunity to grow and be recognized for your effort and achievements. 
Marketing Manager for Global markets (Dental implants) 
Job Description:
The Marketing Manager is responsible for managing the marketing strategies and initiatives for medical devices sales activities in global markets (Europe, North & South America, Africa, Asia & Oceania). The Marketing Manager ensures all branding and marketing collateral/messaging created and distributed internally or externally meet company expectations, drive sales and enhance the brand reputation within available company resources. 
Key Responsibilities:
● Development and implementation of a marketing strategy. 
● Brand Management: Coordinate corporate brand and all marketing initiatives, events, Marketing Committee meetings. 
● Website and Interactive Marketing: Manage and coordinate digital marketing and advertising; including SEO & SMM, coordinate monthly newsletter and update, review, and manage all content and reviews in multimedia sites. 
● Performs campaign analyses that report on key performance indicators for email campaigns and banner ads for verticals. 
● Reports on campaign effectiveness and recommendations for improvement 
● Bachelor’s degree and 3 years of Public Relations, Marketing or related experience. 
● Experience in managing creatives, branding, marketing, digital, and advertising strategies. 
● Good copy and writing skills, ability to communicate articulately in both oral and written form. 
● Has good organizational and time management skills. 
● Good level of written and spoken English. 
● Creative problem solver. 
Company offers: 
● Challenging and interesting work in an international environment. 
● Opportunities for professional growth and development.
● Competitive salary

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