Вакансия Project Manager (Business system analyst)

Компания: Група Данон: Данон Україна та Нутриція Україна
Город: Украина, Киев
Улица места работы: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Размещена: 26 авг. 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии

Danone is a global company with an inspiring mission, «Bringing health through food to as many people as possible». We are proud to be the leaders in the segment of Fresh Dairy Products and in Baby Food segment. With us, you can learn and develop yourself in a collaborative and empowering environment.

Danone is announcing an opening of Project Manager position in Kyiv.

Your main responsibilities will include:

  • Leading projects to develop new functionality (plans, risks, documentation);
  • Organization of interaction with external suppliers;
  • Analysis and formalization of business processes;
  • Users trainings;
  • Working with the documentation - functional and technical requirements, instructions for users.

Experience and qualifications required:

  • Higher education;
  • Good knowledge of the project methodology for software development;
  • Understanding the principles of process management;
  • Knowledge of the functional 1C solutions;
  • Project management experience.

We offer:

  • Official employment;
  • Medical and life insurance;
  • Paid vacation and sick leaves;
  • Challenging job in the international environment;
  • Great professional team and friendly environment.


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+ Сопроводительное письмо
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
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iDeals Solutions Украина, Киев
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