Вакансия Regular/Senior ITAO specialist

Компания: Luxoft
Город: Украина, Киев
Улица места работы: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Размещена: 16 авг. 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии

Project Description: Manager aligned to a specific application or IT infrastructure asset. The ITAO role and its
responsibilities are defined and maintained in the context of IT-related policies and referred to as
the Application Manager / Infrastructure Technology Manager in the IT Management Policy.

1. Application assets management from IT perspective (hardware/software/collateral items):
- application owner (all assets within the application), understanding the application position within IT infrastructure,
- own and maintain Runbooks / KOPS, other documentation
- track and manage IT audit items keeping(monitoring) the application compliance with internal and external IT policies of the customer: audits: cyber-security, functional/non-functional
- backup and disaster recovery strategy
- supporting software delivery lifecycle(SDLC): release planning/management(application team coordination, interaction with other teams within customers IT infrastructure)
2. Application monitoring solution support (configuration, scripting). Geneos based
3. Containerized application ci/cd support GIT/TeamCity/uDeploy/OpenShift based (optionally).


  • Understanding of the SDLC process
  • General Linux admin experience and knowledge
  • General shell scripting knowledge and experience (bash/python)
  • Application Deployment coordination/management
  • Configuration management tools
  • Oracle RDBMS basic knowledge: how to create and execute simple SELECT statements
  • Experience with GIT repositories with ability to perform code merge and branching
  • SCR: GIT (bitbucket)
  • BR: Artifactory
  • CI: Jenkins, Teamcity
  • CD: uDeploy
  • Monitoring solutions: Geneos (any other tool experience also appreciated).
  • Excellent communication, teamwork and collaboration skills
  • Upper-Intermediate English
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