Вакансия Auditor (Internal Complience)

Компания: Envirotech Education
Город: Украина, Киев
Улица места работы: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Размещена: 12 июля 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии
The Auditor is responsible to perform internal Audit and compliance risk on the organization to ensure the validity and legality of their Envirotech records. Act in an advisory role to recommend possible risk aversion measures that could be made.Requirements: - Bachelor’s Degree in HR or relevant discipline.- Ability to divide your time between work and study.- Meticulous attention to detail. - Excellent problem-solving skills. - Ability to work to deadlines, under pressure.- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including good presentation and report writing skills.- It skills: Pack Office, SharePoint, Adobe Acrobat reader DC, Skype, etc. - Advanced English level. Responsibilities: - Ensures compliance with established internal control procedures by examining records, reports, operating practices, and documentation.- Verifies assets and liabilities by comparing items to documentation.- Responsible for collating, checking and analyzing spreadsheet data validation to ensure data correction and data rectification.- Delay monitoring and examination of the company’ s control systems. - Checking that data reports and records are accurate and reliable. - Identifying if and where processes are not working as they should and advising on changes to be made. - Preparing reports, commentaries and data statements to present to the management team. - Ensuring procedures, policies, legislation and regulations are correctly followed and complied with.- Carry out internal Audit and compliance risk on the organization to ensure the validity and legality of their Envirotech records. - Appraises adequacy of internal control systems by completing audit questionnaires.- Maintains internal control systems by updating audit programs and questionnaires; recommending new policies and procedures.- Communicates audit findings by preparing a final report; discussing findings with auditees. - Develop KPI to analyze results and performance.Conditions:Remote work (work from home) full time
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