Вакансия JavaScript developer

Компания: Provide Support, LLC (New York, US)
Город: Украина, Киев
Улица места работы: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Размещена: 12 июля 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии

Provide Support, LLC (New York based) global provider of Live Chat software and Real-Time Website Monitoring solutions is looking for experienced JavaScript developers.


  • degree in computer science or related disciplines
  • strong knowledge of JavaScript and JS frameworks
  • knowledge of Java or C++ is a plus
  • technical English to freely read and write documentation

Ideal candidate should:

  • be goal oriented and persistent
  • write clean, well-structured and loosely coupled code
  • be able to setup project from scratch (folders/files structure, Git workflow, build procedure, etc.)
  • have experience in one or more JS testing frameworks
  • understand AMD/CommonJS/ES6 modules
  • be familiar with Git/Subversion
  • have experience in at least one programming language that is transpiled to JavaScript (like TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart etc.)
  • knowledge of Front-end JavaScript frameworks like (Angular, React, Ember, Vue etc.)
  • knowledge of CSS preprocessors (PostCSS, SASS, LESS)
  • have strong understanding of programming paradigms and associated patterns
  • OOP (MVC/MVVM), Event-driven programming (Pub/Sub, Mediator)
  • be willing to learn and use new cutting edge JS technologies


  • competitive compensation depending on experience and skills.
  • full time employment with relatively flexible schedule.
  • long term working relationship.
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Формат файлов: docx, doc, rtf, odt, pdf (2 Мб максимум)
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