Вакансия 3D Animator

Компания: Gameloft
Город: Украина, Харьков
Улица места работы: Украина, Харьковская область, Харьков
Размещена: 12 июля 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии

As a part of the Gameloft team you will be responsible for creating and animating characters and 3D objects as well as reviews these assets in the cinematic.

You'll get involved in the creation process by interacting with the game designer, art director and motion design team.

Skills and Profile:

  • Strong professional experience in animation
  • Deep understanding of animation principles and the best way to employ these
  • Strong understanding of what makes a character's identity
  • Excellent knowledge of human/creature anatomy and motion
  • Strong observation skills and an Eye for Detail
  • Experience with Biped, Cat and Custom rigs
  • Good understanding of rigging, including technical processes, function and requirements
  • Deep understanding of body language, timing, posing, and gestural communication
  • A mastery with various animation styles, realistic and stylized in both 3D and 2D a plus
  • Experience in 3dsMax or Maya is essential
  • Experience in motion capture data files
  • Passion for videogames and animations!

IMPORTANT: Your CV should include a portfolio link! Otherwise your CV won't be considered.

Контактные данные
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Формат файлов: docx, doc, rtf, odt, pdf (2 Мб максимум)
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+ Сопроводительное письмо
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Gameloft Украина, Харьков
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