Вакансия Unity Developer (Game Dev)

Компания: Tatem Games
Город: Украина, Киев
Улица места работы: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Размещена: 10 июля 2018
Требования к соискателю
Описание вакансии
What we need:
  • 2 years+ experience with Unity
  • Experience with C#6.
  • Understanding of OOP/OOD, SOLID, design patterns, unit testing practices.
  • Hands on experience with multithreading.
  • Knowledge of basic algorithms and data structures like graphs, trees and related algorithms.
  • Intermediate English.

What would be nice:

  • Experience with DI/IoC
  • Passion about game mechanics, accessibility, UI/UX effectiveness, iterative design, playtests.
  • Familiarity of mobile and/or social networking technologies.
  • Strong understanding of usability and great user experience.
  • Experience in mobile application performance optimization.

What we offer:

  • Working on our own product — not outsourced one, with millions of downloads.
  • The ability to participate in game design processes (staying away from it is of course an option as well).
  • Using the latest technologies and tools available. Right now it’s Unity 2017.3 with C#7.
  • Established, yet open-minded to improvements, agile process.
  • Encouragement to bring new tech and expertise to our company.

What will you do:

  • Develop game for mobile in Unity
  • Integrate Third Party SDK (facebook, analytics, ads)
  • Work in close collaboration with producer and game designers
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+ Сопроводительное письмо
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