Вакансия IT-recruiter

Тип объявления: работа
Компания: Skillers
Город: Киев
Категория: Информационные технологии
Занятость: Официальное трудоустройство
График работы: Полный день
Размещена: 9 февр. 2018
Требования к соискателю
Образование: Не имеет значения
Опыт работы: Не имеет значения
Возраст: Не имеет значения
Пол: Не имеет значения
Водительские права: Нет
Иностранные языки: Английский - Средний
Описание вакансии

Our company is looking for a recruiter with a superpower to join our team.


Our Must Haves:

  • upper-intermediate English (there are grammar nazis in our team, so beware of saying “knowledges” or “I am agree” in their presence)
  • strong desire to be a self-starter at work (we have plenty of opportunities for you, but you should tell us what you want to achieve and where you would like to be in your career)
  • open-mindedness, high level of self-motivation and commitment
  • unique superpower that you believe will be of great use to a recruiter (tell us all about it in a cover letter or during an interview)

 Do NOT apply if:

  • you are afraid of making mistakes and have trouble admitting your mistakes
  • you are afraid of asking questions or sharing your ideas and thoughts
  • you are afraid of receiving and giving feedback
  • you are not ready to face up to challenges and difficult tasks
  • you easily give up after a failure
  • you are not ready to do your best at work
  • you lack words or emotions to explain your motives to join the IT world
  • you are not willing to learn the difference between Java and JavaScript:)

 We offer you:

  • official employment with fixed salary offer and attractive bonus system
  • unlimited freedom and numerous opportunities for professional growth
  • convenient office location (a 5-minute walk from subway station “Zoloti Vorota”)
  • great team spirit and environment of trust and support
  • coverage of expenses for attending work-related workshops, seminars, conferences of your choice
  • your soft skills are as important for us as your desire to become a technically well-versed recruiting consultant.
Контактные данные
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У вас нет аккаунта, зарегистрируйтесь.
+ Сопроводительное письмо
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
О работодателе
Some facts about us: - one of the oldest agencies in Ukraine specializing solely in IT/Telecom recruitment - successfully placed candidates across Ukraine and abroad (Germany, China, Sweden, the US ... читать подробнее
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