Вакансия Главный инженер

Тип объявления: работа
Компания: Jupiter LV
Город: Киев
Категория: Инженеры / Технологи / Проектировщики
Занятость: Полная
График работы: Удаленная работа
Размещена: 19 окт. 2017
Требования к соискателю
Образование: Не имеет значения
Опыт работы: Без опыта
Возраст: Не имеет значения
Пол: Не имеет значения
Водительские права: Нет
Иностранные языки: Английский - Средний
Описание вакансии

Необходимые навыки

which main fields are automation of electronic industry, equipment and machine construction, testing and developmentSenior EngineerThe job assignments of a senior engineer are: reception of development orders from clients, working through orders, making technical improvement proposals, drafting of amendments, calculations of profitability, conducting specifying technical negotiations with the clients, accurate decision making which is suited for both parties. In addition – conducting of supplementary budgets and client negotiations through which agreements are achieved. After the project has been accepted, the job includes distribution of tasks to different teams, operations management, schedule monitoring and supervision. The work takes place in Tallinn but readiness for business-related trips is expected. The suitable candidates are specialists with long-term working experience. The job starts on agreement, but as soon as possible.


Requirements: Professional education (electronics manufacturing, industrial automation, etc.) Good knowledge of engineering and working experience in industries such as mechatronics, automation, robotics, industrial equipments’ software (programming, development), etc.

Условия работы

Very good ”Solid Works” program skills Very good communication, negotiation skills and the ability to sell your ideas English skills on a very good level and Estonian language skills are beneficial to communicate with the teams Independence as an individual, very good problem solving skills, results oriented, great resilienceBeneficial: different automation skills in the electronic industryWe offer: long-term working relationship and remuneration according to skills and results challenges, innovative solutions and a possibility for growth in an international company pleasant collective and working environmentmail [email protected]
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