Вакансія Communication and Interior Design Co-worker

Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 3 лип. 2018
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Опис вакансії

Our Client, one of the leading multinational retail companies, is announcing an opening for the Communication and Interior Design Co-worker position.

About the job:

Your job is to use your deep knowledge of people’s life at home and your high level of home furnishing competence to show a number of functional, beautiful, sustainable and affordable solutions that are relevant to your local market. You also challenge and encourage the many people to see their homes in new ways.

Main Responsibilities:

  • planning and implementing up-to-date room settings and other city shop media that exceed visitor’s expectations by applying your home furnishing knowledge ;
  • using the richness of the product range to show distinct and different styles that appeal to many individual tastes and needs;
  • stimulating and increasing the interest for home furnishing through constantly showing new and inspiring solutions that motivate people to visit the city shop frequently;
  • reflecting the Brand identity by creating visual impact in all commercial, sales support and co-worker areas.

Main Requirements:

  • education in interior design;
  • ability to draw, visualize and present an idea;
  • good attention to detail;
  • confidence in approaching and talking to people;
  • enthusiastic about assignments and working with others in a team;
  • good personal disciplines and an ability to work to set deadlines;
  • experience of working with AutoCAD and computer literacy.

The Company offers:

  • a challenging job within a leading foreign company;
  • competitive salary and compensation package.
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PERSONNEL Украина, Киев