Вакансія Асистент/-ка зі збору Даних (Консультант/-ка) / (Data Collection Field Assistant (Consultant) ) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні

Тип оголошення: прямий роботодавець
Місто: Київська область
Категорія: Разное (общее)
Зайнятість: тимчасова
Графік роботи: повний робочий день
Розміщена: 31 жовт. 2023
Вимоги до претендента
Освіта: вища
Досвід роботи: від 1 року
Вік: вік не має значення
Стать: Не має значення
Водійські права: Не має значення
Іноземні мови: Англійська - Середній
Опис вакансії

FOR THE CONSULTANCY CONTRACT OF: Data Collection Field Assistant (Consultant)

  1. Duty Station of the Consultancy: The consultant is expected to be present in and cover one of the following oblasts: Vinnytska, Volynska, Ivano-Frankivska, Kyivska, Zhytomyrska, Zakarpatska, Kirovohradska, Lvivska, Odeska, Poltavska, Rivnenska, Ternopilska, Khmelnytska, Cherkaska, Chernivetska
  2. Duration of Consultancy: 9 months (01 August 2023 – 30 April 2024)
  3. Consultant`s fee: For every working hour, a consultant will receive an hourly fee in amount of USD 6 (six)
  4. Nature of the consultancy:
  5. Project Context and Scope:

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) implemented by IOM Ukraine continuously seeks to enhance humanitarian response initiatives through the collection and dissemination of relevant and quality data to inform operations. As human mobility dynamics shift and  Russia’s war on Ukraine evolves, so too do the needs of the population. DTM prides itself on adapting to these shifting conditions to inform effective response. 

Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing: Response, Resilience and Recovery Unit Emergency and Stabilization Unit, Data and Analytics Unit IOM, Ukraine

  1. Category B Consultants:

Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment

  1. Assist in data collection activities through in surveys (excursions, telephone surveys, etc.), direct observation and involvement of key informants and provide a monthly report based on the results of these activities.
  2. Identify and develop contacts with key stakeholders in the above mentioned Oblast in areas of activity to facilitate data collection and provide a monthly report based on the results of this activity.
  3. Monitor the movement of the population of the above mentioned Oblast and provide a monthly report based on the results of this activity.
  4. Organized, if necessary, obtaining permits and agreed visits in cooperation with the local territorial coordinator.
  5. Undertake travels within Ukraine for data collection purposes, to establish links with focal points in various communities and support DTM unit with project-specific tasks.
  6. Undertake training on and implement fully the principles of ethical data collection among vulnerable respondents and humanitarian data protection principles
  7. 7. Perform other duties that may be assigned in the field of data collection.

7.Performance indicators for the evaluation of results

  • Fully complete and submit each survey assigned by the Field Coordination Specialist within the timeframe provided, ensuring the highest possible data quality and adherence to the data collection guidelines provided by IOM.
  • Attend regular data collection coordination meetings (remotely or in-person), providing information of interactions with key informants as well as updates from areas of operation.
  • Implement fully the principles of ethical data collection among vulnerable respondents and humanitarian data protection principles according to IOM guidelines and instructions.
  • Attend and complete all required trainings related to the position.
  • Submit regular (e.g. monthly, bimonthly) and ad-hoc surveys before the deadline set by the Field Coordination Specialist via the data collection tools (tablets) provided.
  • Report on the number of surveys submitted on a monthly basis, and ensure it is checked and verified by the Field Coordination Specialist.
  • Assessment of data quality and professionalism in interactions with key informants to be conducted at regular intervals during the period of the consultancy by the Field Coordination Specialist.


  1. Took part in at least 1 (one) coordination event per month: regular data collection coordination meetings (remotely or in person), introductory trainings-instructions, etc.;
  2. At least 3 key informants contacts from the above mentioned Oblast are added to the database of key informants every quarter;
  3. At least once every 2 months ensured data collection for regular or ad-hoc survey by the deadline set by the field coordination specialist using the provided data collection tools (tablets).

8.Education, Experience and/or skills required

  • High school diploma/certificate with two years of relevant work experience Or Bachelor’s Degree with at least one years of responsible work experience (degree in social sciences, law, or international relations/development would be an advantage). 
  • Experience of working with governmental authorities, local or international NGOs or UN agencies is an advantage.
  • Familiarity with conducting assessments and engaging with communities to understand their needs.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the context and issues related to the emergency response in Ukraine would be an asset.
  • Advanced PC knowledge.
  • Ability to deliver results under the circumstances that exist in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

Fluency in Ukrainian is mandatory. Russian is desirable. Intermediate or higher level of English will be an advantage.  

9.Travel required

Yes. Transportation and any lodging costs related to travel on duty will be covered by IOM in addition to hourly pay on the basis of signed Travel Request form, and proof of costs incurred.

  1. Other

Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and security clearances.

A prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station and work permit, as applicable.

  1. How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications filling in the IOM Personal History Form   and sending to [email protected]  by 28 July 2023 the latest, referring to this advertisement in the subject line of your message.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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