Вакансія Account manager

30000 ₴
Тип оголошення: прямий роботодавець
Компанія: Legendremovals LTD
Місто: Донецк
Категорія: Логистика / ВЭД / Склад
Зайнятість: повна
Графік роботи: 116506
Розміщена: 25 лип. 2021
Вимоги до претендента
Освіта: будь-яка освіта
Досвід роботи: від 1 року
Вік: вік не має значення
Стать: Не має значення
Водійські права: Не має значення
Іноземні мови: Арабська - Досконало
Опис вакансії

Account manager

SmartScrap Limited is an international expert in alternative raw materials management. Since 2006 our team successfully deals with metallurgical wastes such as metal slag, steel skulls, pig iron skulls, and other by-products. We're looking for active people who will join our team and help to make the planet cleaner while working with metal waste recycling and teaching advantageous waste management.
We are looking for account manager.
Duties: Liaison with the existing suppliers and customers, elaborating of the optimal logistical solutions (timewise and budgetwise), information flow maintaining, transactions reports (work in AmoCRM corporate system), settlement of a debit balance with the customers, operational support of the deals and coordination of the contractors, maintaining of the supplier’s and customer’s loyalty.  

We offer: participation in lucrative and eco-friendly projects worldwide, development in an innovative and responsible company, sustainable growth together with the company, competitive salary with quarter bonuses, unique and useful experience, cozy and inspiring office in downtown of Sochi. We offer you remote work&

We expect: proactivity, knowledge of the international sea and road freight market, good interpersonal skills, experience in sales or account management 1 year and over.

Please send me your cv to [email protected] Whats app +7 988 5014719

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