Вакансія Visual Arts Teaching asistant

12000 ₴
Компанія: Pechersk School International
Місто: Украина, Київ, вулиця Віктора Забіли, 7А
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Київ, вулиця Віктора Забіли
Розміщена: 26 серп. 2018
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Опис вакансії

Описание вакансии

The Visual Arts TA must have a high level of organisational skills, along with an ability to both follow directions and anticipate and solve problems. The TA must be able to work well with middle and high school aged students and have a good standard of English.


— Works through and understands teacher’s plans prior to assisting in class

— Provides support to the teacher by assisting students with their work in Art classes; photographs students working at various stages of studio projects; assists DP students with their photos for their CRBs

— Collects papers, prints and/or makes copies and prepares materials/ equipment on request

— Takes regular inventory of art supplies and informs the teacher of items to be ordered; follows up on local orders with the Operations Office

— Assists with maintaining the art room

— Collaborates with teacher and students to put up displays

— Substitutes for an absent teacher in emergency situations


— Teaching degree in visual art

— Relevant experience in this field for two years

— Good command of English

School offers official employment, good salary and social package.

Please, send your CV and cover letter in ENGLISH.

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