Вакансія Crew manager / Fleet officer manager

Компанія: NordOst Marine Company
Місто: Украина, Одесса
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Одесская область, Одесса
Розміщена: 16 серп. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії
Fleet personnel officer Duties & responsibilities:Fleet's crew management1-Manage the requirements of the crew for the vessels under the management2-search and selection of the crew 3-verification of certificates,control of all documents and licenses under the appropriate regulations ,monitoring documents expiry dates...5- coordinate with the authorities of flag state to ensure compliance with certifications/licensing requirements6- coordinate with the owner/vessels/management/agents in order to arrange the visas/OKTB ,E tickets ... And any issues regarding crew change /matter 7-crew payroll administration8-crew change planning ,monitoring of seafarers vacations, Update vessel's rotation plan,Crew on board list ,monitoring vessel's positions Eta/Ets
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