Вакансія Commercial Business Controller

Компанія: Kyivstar
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 12 лип. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії

Team: Eurasia Finance Hub
Commitment: Full-time

Our team:

Financial Hub is a passionate, dynamic and bold team that provides shared financial services to operating companies of VEON group, including Kyivstar. We use best practices of #1 telecommunications company in Ukraine to provide excellence in financial planning and analysis. We provide shared services to operating companies in Georgia&Armenia and are currently expanding to other countries.

The role implies:

- Review of commercial initiatives and internal business proposals

- Challenge and validation of business case assumptions, logic and architecture

- Business case preparation for selected initiatives

- Post-launch review/validation

- Forecasting, budget review and approval (P&L, KPIs)

Our dream applicant:

- Has strong numeric/modeling skills, is an excellent Excel user

- Understands valuation techniques and financial reporting

- Is able to review and analyze complex projections under tight deadlines

- Thinks critically, challenges and validates incoming information

- Can easily communicate in a multicultural environment both orally and in writing

- Has a service mindset, treats internal clients with great care

Within 30 days will:

- Review and challenge of commercial initiatives and post-launches

- Support marketing and commercial teams of Kyivstar in business planning

- Identify key risks and issues of business cases

- Get a basic understanding of telecommunications industry

Within 60 days you will:

- Meet with local teams representing different functions to understand their needs and challenges

- Deliver insights on improving business initiatives

- Have a deep products knowledge and understanding of telecommunication business model

Within 90-180 days you will:

- Prepare business cases for selected key initiatives

- Take part in financial forecasting and budgeting

- Support commercial teams of other VEON companies

- Provide comments and recommendations for top management of the company

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+ Супровідний лист
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
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