Вакансія Regular web developer (Angular/.Net)

Компанія: Luxoft
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 11 лип. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії
  • Project Description:

    The large oil and gas company needs a professional, effective and result-oriented team to design, develop and support complex enterprise solutions. This solutions include applications for data visualization, charts building, data processing and different services.

    The technology stack contain desktop WPF applications with 3D graphics, web solutions based on Angular, WCF services. Integration is based on microservices architecture to achieve loosely coupled and maintainable system. Good architecture and code is very essential, so advanced code analysis and continue integration tools are used on project.

    Development uses SCRUM methodology, so every developer has ability to make a great contribution to the result.

  • Responsibilities:

    Development activities
    Participation in application design and peer reviews
    Daily communication with customer representatives

  • Skills:

    Must have:
    - Angular (>= v2)
    - .Net WebApi

    - Enterprise Service Bus
    - WPF

Контактні дані
Виберіть резюме для відправки
Формат файлів: docx, doc, rtf, odt, pdf (2 Мб максимум)
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