Вакансія Web-программист

25000 ₴
Компанія: Colnect
Місто: Украина, Львов
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Львовская область, Львов
Розміщена: 10 лип. 2018
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Опис вакансії

Colnect team is looking for a web-developer to join us! We need independent, dedicated, self-motivated, efficient and creative people.

Colnect is a collectors website, providing collection management tools, catalogs and home to a worldwide community of collectors. Learn more about us on colnect.com Our team is a small, friendly group, collaborating with hundreds of volunteers. You will work on challenging and interesting tasks, promise:)

Your role:

  • You will work on adding new features to Colnect site and improving existing ones and much more.

Position requirements:

  • Good knowledge of programming concepts (such as OOP) and the ability to learn by yourself.
  • Proven knowledge of PHP/JavaScript/CSS/HTML would be an advantage.
  • Having experience running a fully-fledged website would be a great advantage.
  • Access to a workspace with fast Internet connection and a personal computer.
  • English level should at least be good to ensure communication with the team is smooth.

Work conditions:

  • Location independent freelance style work, flexible hours, various responsibilities and minimal bureaucracy.
  • Working hours (full time/170 per month) will be registered using a time tracking app.
  • Regular communication through emails and Skype.

We will be glad to hear your hourly rate in EUR.

In order to apply for this position, you should fill out the application form that you will receive by email. We reply to ALL applicants so if you haven't heard from us in 3 days, do write us again.

We look forward to possibly having you as a member of our awesome team! :)

Контактні дані
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Формат файлів: docx, doc, rtf, odt, pdf (2 Мб максимум)
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