Вакансія Analyst Intern

Компанія: TaaS
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 14 черв. 2018
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Опис вакансії

TaaS team is looking for an insightful and passionate Analyst Intern with an ambition to develop into a pro in the Blockchain industry.

As an Analyst Intern, you will be a crucial team player, understand how business metrics and KPIs are defined.

We expect You to:

  • be detail-oriented person;
  • have the ability to pick up nuances of various types of datasets and databases;
  • be skilled in Microsoft Excel (in everyday life we use Google Sheets), with a solid understanding of a variety of Excel functions to sort, manipulate and manage raw data files. This includes VLOOKUP, MATCH, Conditional formatting, statistic functions, pivot tables, report generation.
  • have a deep interest and aptitude in data, metrics, analysis, and trends;
  • have strong written and verbal communication skills and ask thoughtful questions to get to the heart of issues.

Please, send a 2-3 paragraph application letter (email) in English with a CV attached. The email must also include the links to your LinkedIn and Facebook profiles.

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