Вакансія Junior QA Automation Engineer

Компанія: Miratech
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 9 черв. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії

We are looking for a Junior QA Automation Engineer to join our team on full-time basis for software testing. The project involves development of custom applications to handle the full range of work that arrives in a contact center.

The customer is the world's leading provider of customer service and contact center software, with more than 4,700 customers in 120 countries. Drawing on its more than 20 years of customer service innovation and experience, the product is uniquely positioned to help companies bring their people, insights and customer channels together to effectively drive today's customer conversation. Our software directs more than 100 million interactions every day, maximizing the value of customer engagement and differentiating the experience by driving personalization and multi-channel customer service - and extending customer service across the enterprise to optimize processes and the performance of customer-facing employees.


  • New test scripts developing,
  • Test documentation composing/supporting


  • OOP concepts understanding,
  • Motivation to learn / perform,
  • Programming skills (experience / courses / self-education),
  • Good analytical skills,
  • English level - Intermediate and higher,
  • degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related disciplines.

Would be a plus knowledge and experience in:

  • Java
  • Selenium
  • Jenkins
  • Backend testing
  • Deployment scripts development
Контактні дані
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Формат файлів: docx, doc, rtf, odt, pdf (2 Мб максимум)
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