Вакансія Employer Branding and Digital Communications Specialist

Компанія: Філіп Морріс Україна
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 16 черв. 2018
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Опис вакансії

Are you up for a challenge? Do you look for ways to grow in your job? And do you want to build a remarkable career? Then apply now! Philip Morris Ukraine is looking for cooperation a person to provide services as

Employer Branding and Digital Communications Specialist


  • University degree
  • Experience in Marketing, Digital or Employer Branding function in a fast paced environment
  • Expertise in Internal/External communication including work with social media platforms
  • Understanding of trends and being up to date with the current social media landscape on the market
  • Excellent communication skills as well as problem solving and creative approach
  • Fluent Ukrainian and Russian, English - Upper-Intermediate
  • Desire to join People & Culture team (Human Resources) and run Employer Branding project

you are the one we want to meet for joining our People & Culture Department in Philip Morris Ukraine, based in Kyiv.

AS Employer Branding and Digital Communications Specialist


  • Be responsible for Employer Brand strategy, projects and initiatives creation, development and support.
  • Closely cooperate with Digital and Corporate Affairs team to maximize reach, grow audiences, and drive measurable impact for the Employer Brand across all communication channels including social media platforms.
  • Running the day-to-day activity across social media platforms
  • Track performance and efficiency of selected channels of communication, analyze trends, propose solutions.


  • Work in truly international environment.
  • Unique development opportunities and professional growth.
  • Competitive compensation & social package.

If you wish to contribute to the future of our business and to the new innovative journey of the industry, please apply.

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+ Супровідний лист
Я даю згоду власнику сайту trud.ua та компанії, що опубліковала вакансію, на обробку наданих мною персональних даних, відповідно до Закону України «Про захист персональных даних» (детальніше)
Гоцко І.В. Hacken Украина, Киев, Дорогожицкая улица
X64 Украина, Киев, проспект Степана Бандеры, Б
Далi, маркетинг-центр Украина, Тернополь