Вакансія Full-stack Developer (Regular JS with basic Java)

Компанія: Luxoft
Місто: Украина, Киев
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Киевская область, Киев
Розміщена: 21 черв. 2018
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Опис вакансії

Project Description:

Are you willing to become a Full-stack developer?

In order to be successful in the increasingly competitive world of tech and app development, you need to know much more than a single programming language. We offer you an opportunity to raise your skills and become specialist who will be highly valued on market.

Luxoft is looking for candidates who is strong at one tech stack (Java or JavaScript) and has some knowledge at another one. We are ready to train you on Java (8) or JavaScript (Angular 1 and Angular 2/5) and provide you mentorship that allow you to get missing knowledge. You will have an opportunity to work on a real enterprise-level project as a Full-stack developer from day-1.

Our customer is the leader in critical information, analytics and expertise to forge solutions for the major industries and markets that shape today's business landscape. Customers around the world rely on its solutions to address strategic and operational challenges. With a headquarter in London and having offices in 24 countries, client works with about 50000 customers that coving most of the Fortune.

Joining the team you would become an influencer on Financial Market and particularly Regulatory and Compliance. The stream is composed of more than 8 projects that intend to help major players in finance to stick to regulatory requirements. Projects are used across the world and are recognized as the best solutions for risk management, document negotiation, outreach tools, etc. Being a part of our team means to have a bright view on different domains in close collaboration with multicultural colleagues and business representatives from the USA, the UK, Asia, etc.

Start down the path to becoming a lucrative Full Stack developer with us!


- Estimations
- Investigations, Research
- Architecture definition
- Development activities
- Unit and integration testing
- Refactoring
- Training and coaching team members


• Java 8
• Spring
• Oracle 12c DB, SQL
• JavaScript
• AngularJS
• Angular

English: Upper-intermediate or higher is mandatory

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