Вакансія Iнженер-механік (Manufacturing Engineer)

Компанія: Smart Solutions
Місто: Украина, Ужгород
Вулиця місця роботи: Украина, Закарпатская область, Ужгород
Розміщена: 14 черв. 2018
Вимоги до претендента
Опис вакансії

Job Summary

Drives continuous improvement through process development, root cause analysis and systematic problem solving. Responsible for machines used on the production.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities

  • Coordinates line reconfiguration and machine move activities, including equipment arrival, positioning and installation, and scheduling of support groups (Machine Support, Facilities, MIS, etc.) using the approved communication process.
  • Designs and / or procures production tooling, including stencils, vacuum plates, wave solder pallets and product-specific fixtures and jigs.
  • Verifies that machine maintenance is performed as scheduled on assigned line
  • Continually strives to balance and optimize line throughput, including efforts to minimize changeover downtime (i.e. common set-ups).
  • Monitors machine management data in order to maximize utilization and minimize machine-generated scrap
  • Creates and maintains wave and reflow soldering profiles
  • Ensures that process parameters are within acceptable tolerances for products and components, and results in solder quality that meets IPC requirements

Education & Experience Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree preferred
  • 1-2 years related experience in manufacturing engineering
  • Basic knowledge of programming
  • Ability to read technical drawings
  • Intermediate level of English language
Контактні дані
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